Specialises in:
I have been practicing in legal services since 1990. I qualified with the Institute of Legal Executives in 1995 and then went on to become a Solicitor in 2003. I also briefly worked for the Abbey National in 1998 and 1999 as a financial advisor having qualified with the Chartered Institute of Bankers.
I have worked in a number of prominent law firms in the East Midlands over the years, and am well acquainted with those areas. I have also undertaken a significant amount of London conveyancing work in the past through a London contact.
I now practice as a Consultant Solictor specialising in Residential Conveyancing in Loughborough, Leicesterhire and South Nottinghamshire and am regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. I am also a Will writer regulated under The Institute of Professional Willwriters, providing Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney.
My experience is wide and diverse and I will confidently address the requirements of any property client. I prefer to provide a personal service for busy clients who have home or business commitments where most documentation for signing can be emailed or posted. Other clients such as senior citizens and stay at home parents who prefer a face to face meeting, can have their conveyancing requirements met in the comfort of their own homes.
Available across the UK
Mark Niven
Skylar McKeith
Kam Samji
We have expert solicitors ready to resolve any type of legal issue in the UK. Remove the uncertainty and hassle by letting our solicitors do the heavy lifting for you.
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